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kirachan112 @kirachan112
kirachan112 @kirachan112
Thanks for the welcomes! Otakus need to rule the world. Why? Cuz we treat others with respect like theve been your friend awhile. Unlike the rest of the world. :3 altho i think we would have a ramen crisis

Darkness-Flame @barbossa66
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Darkness-Flame @barbossa66

Siren @haruka34
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Siren @haruka34
Do you play any instruments or sing?

kirachan112 @kirachan112
commented on
Do you play any instruments or sing?
kirachan112 @kirachan112
Umm. Idk if its there still but a couple yrz ago i was in a musical singing in the rain. We had a group picture taken as for videos idk
Last one to post here wins

kirachan112 @kirachan112
commented on
Last one to post here wins
kirachan112 @kirachan112
*walks in* hiiiii someone step before me, i dare you. I DARE YOU TO CHALLENGE GOD! XD deathnote referance