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InsatiateSoul :') @h2dpowerr
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InsatiateSoul :') @h2dpowerr

kclemon @kclemon
kclemon @kclemon
I just wanted some friends :')
How do I make people like me?

kclemon @kclemon
commented on
How do I make people like me?
kclemon @kclemon
Yeah I can totally see that, there are some things I should do to better myself but I know I shouldn't stray too far from who I really am. If being annoying is my trait, I should try to slow it down right? I'll keep that in mind, don't worry.
There are many things I would like to change about myself, but for now I'll take one step at a time.
Thanks for the heads up kawaiicat
Most awkward moment?

kclemon @kclemon
commented on
Most awkward moment?
kclemon @kclemon
Wow this is amazing xD