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Law @law
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Law @law
Hi there!! Please excuse my mess of a profile... lol. (It's intentional; I'm keeping it that way until I know if I'll actually use this site or not.) Anyway, it's nice to meet you!! From reading your profile, it seems like we'd get along really well and you seem like a really nice person. I'd love to chat sometime if you ever want to! So feel free to message me anytime :D Thanks, and have a good day!

kanibun @kanibun
kanibun @kanibun
Hey guys.
I'm going to work on my senior project So I'm going to be really busy the next 10ish day so if you don't hear from me, that's what's happening.

~tea oppa~ @alisterspade
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~tea oppa~ @alisterspade
hey i changed my name! :3
Indiana :-; ????

kanibun @kanibun
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Indiana :-; ????
kanibun @kanibun
Anime St. Louis

kanibun @kanibun
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Anime St. Louis
kanibun @kanibun
Still deciding on it. but possibly!