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AfterWind @afterwind
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AfterWind @afterwind
Hello stranger, how are you?

sadjester @sadjester
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sadjester @sadjester
Hello kabbocha. I hope you are enjoying the site ;)

Galaxy Redo @galaxyredo
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Galaxy Redo @galaxyredo
Welcome to the site i am from belgium 2 :3.
Tall guys or short guys?

kabbocha @kabbocha
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Tall guys or short guys?
kabbocha @kabbocha
I like tall guys personally, I'm a 5'3" girl (I think it's 162cm huh?)
What's your weakness

kabbocha @kabbocha
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What's your weakness
kabbocha @kabbocha
A kind, respectful man, that makes me laugh easily, with beautiful hair... └|゚ε゚|┐