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Looking for a Relationship - Revived

kabahane14e @kabahane14e
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Looking for a Relationship - Revived
kabahane14e @kabahane14e
Name's kabahane 26 looking for the girl of my dreams. I just got out of a relationship and graduated out of college. I have bit of an accent which some fine attractive. No problem with girls I just never dated an otaku girl before and would like to to try it out. I'm 6 1 and 160 lb. I love romantic and shonen anime. I'm a great guy and have great settled life just not love lol. Send me an invite I could be the "one" and even if you want to be friends that's fine too.

kabahane14e @kabahane14e
kabahane14e @kabahane14e
Hey guys Im new to this and would like to to make a few friends