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33 year old Male
Last online about 1 year ago
A Name @amdarely left a comment for jvega
Oct 16, 13 at 2:28pm
haha very true. That it does! And she's... well... Hmm... She cosplays because she enjoys the attention (she's got a perfect body, and loves going as slutty things ie: Blair from Soul Eater), and she watches anime with me a lot. She's seen quite a bit. But she doesn't actively seek it out. So she'd never classify as anything close to an otaku. haha I definitely would have to disagree with you. I don't have curves. My body is meh... haha haha I think it's the first picture on my profile, so it'll be an easy find. I don't mind people agreeing with me at all! haha And wearing normal clothes is boring to me. I don't get to cosplay often, so I hate wearing normal clothes to a con. It feels like a waste to me... but that's my personal opinion haha And for a guy? Hmm... that's difficult... most likely any type of school outfit will be simple, although you may get hot easily. Naruto is an easy wear, and so many people cosplay it, you won't get pulled aside too much.
A Name @amdarely left a comment for jvega
Oct 16, 13 at 1:51pm
*dye not die. You would think a cosmetologist would remember the difference haha
A Name @amdarely left a comment for jvega
Oct 16, 13 at 1:51pm
haha I do. I actually turned to my best friend and was like "So.... you know how I'm obsessed with animes where the girl and guy fight a lot in the beginning? Well, I feel like he could be that guy for me." She just gave me a weird look haha And true, because guys and other girls let them get away with it. If we didn't, it'd slowly become unacceptable for anyone to. haha And that's a good way to do it. Hmm.. But I don't have curves, because my chest doesn't really exist haha And i've got a photo up of me as Misa on this site. However, I still have to fix it up some. (IE: Die the dress black, and get a photo of me WITH the garter belt on) haha Finding a casual cosplay is always nice because honestly, I don't like cosplaying super intense cosplays every day of the con. I like to be comfy and a LITTLE incognito on one of the days of the con so I can look at stuff.
A Name @amdarely left a comment for jvega
Oct 16, 13 at 1:08pm
haha yep! And I didn't start talking to him until after we had bantered on a forum, although to be honest, that's what I was hoping would happen. He was interesting... and dude. Girls shouldn't even pull the pity card. So what if we are girls? It doesn't give us anymore right than a guy... But that's what I've started doing. I sugar coat it a little unlike Vae, but I do try to point it out so that they can hopefully get/feel better. Haha, It is a little bizarre, but I'm fine with it. If anyone were to ask me, I'd tell them the same thing, even if it were one of the "whiners". Ouch >.< but she went as Asuna?? so not fair! haha I want to go as her, but she's one of the cosplays I would only do if I had a guy with me haha My body type is odd, because I LOOK tiny, but I'm not. I'm actually several pounds overweight. My body fat percent is about 10% higher than it should. So, things fit me in odd ways because all of the fat is located on my thighs and hips and a little on my tummy. No where else though so I'm a small to extra small on top, but a medium or large on bottom. Misa is my favorite because she allows me to be silly and carefree at cons. She also has a costume that I don't have to really think about when I'm wearing it. I don't have many props besides a deathnote, also if I wear my hotshorts (the tight small shorts dancers wear), then I have no issues with the shortness of the outfit. OH! and since she has a garterbelt with her outfit, I don't even have to worry about the god damn thigh highs falling off during the day haha
A Name @amdarely left a comment for jvega
Oct 16, 13 at 12:34pm
My thoughts exactly haha But also, I've bantered with him, and I really enjoy his thoughts on situations. They are a little different than mine so it's like a breath of fresh air haha I just don't think that most people, want to hear his opinion because they just want to wallow in pity or refuse to believe someone else might be right. Oh... no... They are bad. They were bought online, and they didn't fit correctly (my body type is odd), and weren't even close to being accurate! Now I make my own cosplays. My Medusa was made completely from scratch as was my Zakuro. My Misa however was made by altering the old outfit to actually look like her outfit, but it's still not even the right color >.< haha But she's still my favorite
A Name @amdarely left a comment for jvega
Oct 16, 13 at 12:08pm
Everyone assumes he does, but he just honestly states his opinions on actions and views. So I guess people see that as fighting? But then again I do the same thing, but I sugar coat it a little more. My favorite genre is romantic comedy, but my favorite animes have a bit of action or fantasy inserted in as well haha I've attended five cons in the last three years, and I've cosplayed at all of them, although pictures from my first two don't exist because I was awful! haha
A Name @amdarely left a comment for jvega
Oct 16, 13 at 11:52am
haha yep! And he's hilarious and blunt. It's a nice contrast, but it does piss people off a lot haha And I love anime, I prefer books to manga (but I still read it), and I love to cosplay! :)
A Name @amdarely left a comment for jvega
Oct 16, 13 at 8:34am
Haha only one person in here knows my real name/calls me it and he was banned! Haha so don't worry. I don't mind if you call me AMDarely :P
Oct 16, 13 at 2:57am
haha well let's pretend its a couple months ahead and you already sent out the applications, now its not tooo early! Stay on the area i went out to CSUF and i loved it there, but when i, came back most of my friends went poof! lol Btw i noticed you didn't say CSU's your one of the smart girls aren't you? lol And if you get into USC ill throw you Huge party that serious business there! :O Its a pleasure to meet you Rebecca, i'm just going to call you Becky for short lol no i'm jk!!
Oct 16, 13 at 2:25am
Yeah way too early haha still filling out those apps and trying to get recommendation letters. I want to stay in the area so i'm applying to mostly UCs, USC, and like harvey mudd as my reach school. btw my name is Rebecca.
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