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NekoBeans @justneko69
NekoBeans @justneko69
Hey.. so I'm leaving.. I mean it's not like anyone wants me around anyways. Nobody messages me either.. so yea later everyone maybe one day ill come back but for now.. sayonara

NekoBeans @justneko69
NekoBeans @justneko69

NekoBeans @justneko69
NekoBeans @justneko69
Neko Nagatoro :3

lizzyx0x0 @lizzyx0x0
lizzyx0x0 @lizzyx0x0

Why are you single?

NekoBeans @justneko69
commented on
Why are you single?
NekoBeans @justneko69
21 relationships.. since 2017.. all ended with them leaving me.. I put all my heart into loving those I love and sometimes I think that's what pushes girls away..
Why are you single?

NekoBeans @justneko69
commented on
Why are you single?
NekoBeans @justneko69
It doesn't matter if im the sweetest guy on earth.. it doesn't even matter about my looks.. girls who like me eventually get unattracted to me.. sometimes I think I'm cursed to never find true love