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Kotomi @kawaiikotomi
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Kotomi @kawaiikotomi
Well you were the one sending me an invite, so you actually found me hehe
Which also is quite a good job, since my name is slightly different on tc^-^

Kotomi @kawaiikotomi
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Kotomi @kawaiikotomi
Well hi there Jon ;3
Wasn't able to find you cause you had the H in your name haha x]

GeekyTomato @geekytomato
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GeekyTomato @geekytomato
I thought Ouran was alright, but I didn't particularly like it much... I haven't seen Skip Beat! I didn't even know it was reverse harem. xD I've seen Free and I like it so far, it's not really reverse harem, though... Just lots of male fanservice, lol. xD
Assholes friends!

johnsnow @johnsnow
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Assholes friends!
johnsnow @johnsnow
@Toe Lol way too much drama. Feels like im back in middle school. Well my friend gets really butt hurt and he won't talk to me for a while If I talk to him seriously (has happen before) Lol His one of those guys.
@Shinyumi I cooled down already, I'm not going to let it upset me anymore. I'll just hang out with other friends.
Assholes friends!

johnsnow @johnsnow
Assholes friends!
johnsnow @johnsnow
Sorry for my fuk up grammar right now, Im just pissed off.
I'm always inviting my friends to hang out and go out but when its the other way around they don't invite. Mostly because of one of my "Best friends" seems to convince them not to invite me. For example; One of my two friends invited me to go eat and it happens to be with my one of my "best friend" and they end up canceling. I was like what ever but when they posted on facebook that they went to Little Tokyo to eat with my other friends I was like wtf realy???!!
Just two days ago my "Best Friend" told me he needed a ride to go somewhere, I was like fuk that shit so I made an excused so I wont give him a ride. Now they did the same thing again. They cancel their plans and they end up going with out me. It feels like were now revenging on each other.