Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
Who is your favorite Kingdom Hearts character?

Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
Oh very nice! I've heard much about the WCS and would love to visit Japan one day (it would require saving up alot of money). How is the weather in your area right now? Canada is still quite cold and lives up to the "winter country" name.
What are some of your favourite games?
Sent you a msg in your inbox. ^^

Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
A good collection I must say. Do you attend anime conventions or cosplay regularly? ^^

syaoran1 @syaoran1
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syaoran1 @syaoran1
Hey, its been a while
Glad to see ur ok ^^
Check ur inbox lol

Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
A friendly hello to a fellow otaku! Love your Konata cosplay! Are you a fan of manga and visual novels? ^^

neko_jutsu13 @neko_jutsu13
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neko_jutsu13 @neko_jutsu13
Hi! how is it going?

evora @evora
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evora @evora
I was reading your post that you dont think you have a "hot and sexy body" We all have flaws with our body and things we wish were different. However that does not mean we are not hot and sexy. You are an attractive woman and the sexiest thing any woman or man is confidence. Don't let your ex or anyone else take that away from you. I sent you a friend request, Hope we can be friends and you will teach me about japan.

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
No I actually just bought it and am going to watch it tomorrow.

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
One of my favorite animes, you into mirai nikki?

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Hey there how have you been? :)