waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain hahahahahahaha

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain If only this happened more often in college.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain Looks like Algebra 1.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain Misanthropy....a tale as old as time.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann

AnimeDice @irondice
AnimeDice @irondice
My favorite light novel will get an anime adaptation later this year, hope everything will go alright but studio whitefox will make the anime, same studio that made Re:Zero, Steins;Gate, Goblin slayer and Akame ga Kill

AnimeDice @irondice
AnimeDice @irondice
Happy new year everyone, have a great 2019 and make the best of it :D

AnimeDice @irondice
AnimeDice @irondice

So 26th of November was my birthday forgot to mention it here since I was busy, I'm 20 yo now xD
I didn't have a party woth friends cuz most of them are online friends anyway but im also bad at being social ofc xD so we had big dinner with movie with my family and then my family got into a fight so yea grest birthday >< I got the new game read dead redemption 2 though.

AnimeDice @irondice
AnimeDice @irondice
I recently kinda finished my education in college but from tomorrow onwward I'll have an intership for about half a year and then I'll be done. In that time I might be busy and might not reply in time for everyone but I'll try to keep up. In the weekend there won't be much changed though. Feel free to talk to me about anything, anime you like/see weekly or things not going well irl, I'll be happy to help but again from monday till friday I will be kinda busy with my intership I hope you all understand. Or atleast those who I talk with frequently on this site ^^
After this intership I'll be going to another college to try and get a higher degree/diploma or whatever you call it.
Thank you for reading my little update on how it's going for me.