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>>>>> @derek_san
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>>>>> @derek_san
Hi; :)

konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
You found an internship? That's really cool. Right now my concentration is Graphic Design "like a lot of people nowadays" and drawing. Still trying to decide if that's what I really want to go for. I LOVE Junjo Romantica! ^^ I havent heard of the other on. I'll have to look it up

SheAteMyHeart @sheatemyheart
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SheAteMyHeart @sheatemyheart
Hi! Thank you for responding! I'm only on the computer briefly for right now, but I will definitely im you later tonight. 8D And I am sooo sorry about the uber spam of my initial message. I must have had my way with the 'Add Reply' button a bit too hard. OTL