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FOR GIRLS ONLY!!! Ok... um what is your thoughts on Yaoi
catfishlvl3 @hweianime
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FOR GIRLS ONLY!!! Ok... um what is your thoughts on Yaoi
catfishlvl3 @hweianime
I love yaoi! Its a funny story on how I read my first yaoi manga cause someone mislabelled the genre of yaoi to shoujo romance (which I still think someone needs to fix) and I was in like yr 3 so obviously no clue what was going on wondering where was the heroine or why those two hot guys where going to a hotel... lol. only a few years later I truly got into yaoi though and I never looked back XP
catfishlvl3 @hweianime
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catfishlvl3 @hweianime
Noblesse, the gamer, zippy zippy, 1/2 Prince, I don't want this kind of hero, Oh my god! etc ( I want to say more but I can't remember due to the lack of updated chapters for the past few months- sighs)
I don't understand why manhwas don't usually become animus! I mean if they are popular enough shouldn't they be seriously considered?!