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suna @suna left a comment for Hoshii
May 03, 16 at 8:59am
最近の調子はどう? 今どんなゲーム遊んでるの?
幽玄 @yuugen left a comment for Hoshii
May 03, 16 at 7:42am
謝らなくていいよww 超分かる、私もエロゲーにときたら夢中になっちゃうよね。Ever17をしてた時、毎日連絡を全部無視して、授業にもノートパソコンを持って行って授業中にやっちゃった。でも日本語の授業だけで参加したw ホシいちゃんが休日を楽しめて嬉しい。私も平日が嫌だなぁ。 Ah darn, where'd you order them from? It's Golden Week right now so orders from Japan are probably being held up... Hehe yep I LOVE her yandere trance face... so scary yet so hot *nosebleed* Yeah I've actually got free time until October lol... just graduated and work doesn't start until then. So for now I get to be a NEET (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و Ahh I see, when does your break start? The past few summers I've also only had 2 weeks... so short... Lol, I feel the same way sometimes when I do IRL stuff... I'm like "This is fun and all, but my VNs are waiting for me!" It's nice to enjoy the outside world sometimes though XD ええ、友達と行くのは凄く楽しいけど一人で行くのもそれなりに楽しいと思う。他人のスケジュールに縛れなくて自由だねw。 へえ、トラウマなの?何か外傷的体験あったの?もちろん、不愉快なら答えなくていいよ。
suna @suna left a comment for Hoshii
Apr 29, 16 at 7:00pm
「だがしかし」は私の住んでいる地域では放映していないので円盤が出たら買ってみようかな、と思う。 最近アニメの円盤は買ってないんだけどシュタインズ・ゲート、あの花、攻殻、劇場版まどか、は見たよ。
幽玄 @yuugen left a comment for Hoshii
Apr 29, 16 at 10:41am
Hehe thanks... I've been studying for a while but I've still got a long way to go! Ah gotcha, yeah not having automatic text lookup is always a pain. I remember when I was first reading the Monogatari series, I had to actually use my tablet to draw the kanji I didn't recognize and look them up. Ugh, that was so annoying but I guess the plus side is that it leveled up my kanji writing skills lol. Good luck with the new LNs! Lol understandable, I feel like shinsekai is one of those anime where you only begin to know what's really going on once you're halfway through it! Yep my major is computer science but I did a minor in JP too. Haha true, fake yanderes aren't very fun. Yuno will always be my favorite ;) Lol... I remember one review of Kimi ni Todoke which said "It's like watching two snails in a race." Pretty accurate. Hoshiori sounds really cool! Looks like quite a long VN too. I love VNs that show long-term character development. I'll try to play it over the summer... ugh I have so many VNs I wanna get through over the summer... KnS2, WA2, Eustia, Muramasa, and now Hoshiori ええ、凄い経験だった!大切な思い出を沢山作った。 いいえ、三人の友達と一緒に行った。一人はオタク同士で、日本語のクラスの友達だから日本語も分かった。他の二人は「猫」とか「バカ」とか「可愛い」以外の日本語が全然分からなかった。常に彼らのために訳すのは時々難しかったけど面白かった。その上、彼らは凄く楽しんでたので嬉しかった。 大丈夫だよ!私が応援してあげるから!英語や日本語で話すことを練習したいのならいつでも呼んでくださいね。
幽玄 @yuugen left a comment for Hoshii
Apr 28, 16 at 5:01pm
Exactly! The rushing is a huge problem. I almost wish they'd just do 12 episodes per route if they're gonna attempt to adapt longer VNs like Grisaia or Rewrite. Not that garbage where they try to condense an entire 40+ hour VN into 3 hours of anime ><. Doubt it'd happen due to budget constraints, but I can dream... Yeah I read Shinsekai Yori (one of the few cases where I feel the anime and the LN were both done well) and a good bit of the Monogatari series. Next one on my list is Oregairu. You? Hehe my first translation work was actually for a class project when I was taking JP at school, so it wasn't exactly free time... I convinced the prof to let me translate a LN and that's how I got started with TLing lol. But I agree, TLing is much more tedious than just reading so I usually only TL stuff I really enjoy and want other people to enjoy. Agreed, Swan Song was amazing... I really like post-apocalyptic VNs/books in general but Swan Song was special in its portrayal of societal collapse and how brutish otherwise good people can become when faced with dire circumstances. Oh god THAT scene in MLA... don't remind me! I think that scene gave me PTSD for a while lol... Ahaha hetare protag is one of my pet peeves too. As for tsuderes, I feel like they just bore me at this point since they've been so overdone. I'm a fan of yandere though ;) Hmm I haven't done a whole lot of romance VNs/LNs/anime... are there any you particuarly enjoyed that you recommend? The last true romance I remember watching is Kimi ni Todoke which I thought wasn't bad. ホシいちゃんの気持ちが全く分かるww 初めての日本旅行の前、私もめちゃくちゃ不安だった。実は私もかなり照れ屋で心配性なんだから「バカの事を言わないように」とか「恥ずかしい事をしないように」とか頭の中に色々な不安が毎日走り回ってた。でも日本に着いたら心配する事は一つもないと気付いたんだ!日本はとても綺麗で、安全な国だ。外国人を手伝ってくれる人も多い。だから無理なんかないよ!初めては怖いと分かってる。それでも、ホシいちゃんが絶対に出来ると確信を持ってる。よかったらいつか一緒に行こう(•́⌄•́๑)૭✧
suna @suna left a comment for Hoshii
Apr 27, 16 at 7:11pm
うーん、なるほど。 こっちは温暖化のせいか比較的暖かくなっている気がする。 冬でも雪の量が減っているしね。 本ってマンガの事?最近買ったのは「だがしかし」かな。 日本の駄菓子のマンガだよ。
幽玄 @yuugen left a comment for Hoshii
Apr 27, 16 at 6:25pm
Haha yeah the Umineko anime was an abomination... like most anime adaptations of VNs lol. I do hope the upcoming Rewrite anime is done well. But maybe that's just wishful thinking since I said the same thing about the Grisaia anime and that was a let-down... I can see where you're coming from with replaying things. That's why I've been trying to avoid adaptations and go for the original medium when possible. But ugh, it's tough when it's an LN and I don't have text hooking ><. Funny thing is I actually read Asairo with the intent of translating it to EN. I'd translated some LNs and manga before and I wanted to challenge myself, so I saw Asairo at the top of this list http://blog.fuwanovel.net/2012/10/translation-difficulty-tiers-by-moogy/ and thought "Why not?" Now I see why nobody has attempted to translate it yet lol... but maybe some day I'll give it another go. Ahh, yeah now that you mention it I do remember hearing that WA2 was heavy on the depressing love triangle stuff. That actually kinda makes me want to play it more since I really enjoy good utsuge (LOVED Swan Song and Ever17). What kind of romances do you like? As for long VNs, I usually don't mind them as long as they're entertaining the whole time and not packed with filler. For example, MLA was super long but it seemed short when I was playing it since it was so well-done. Same thing with Umineko. I was actually kinda sad when those finally ended lol. But I agree JP slows it down a lot and makes "normal" length VNs more like "long" ones. I always have to make sure I have a lot of time set aside before I start a long VN in JP lol. うん、2014年の冬に行った。東京や京都や大阪に行ったんだ。秋葉原でメイド喫茶に行ったり、エロゲを沢山買ったりして、凄く楽しかった!そしてコミケットにも行って同人誌や音楽を買った。大阪で高級旅館で泊まった。めちゃくちゃ高かったので二日しか泊まらなかったけど、温泉は凄く綺麗だった。それに、旅館の神戸ステーキは超美味かった。でも一番好きな場所は白川郷だと思う http://japonismo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Shirakawago-en-jap%C3%B3n-wikipedia.jpg。「ひぐらし」にそっくりだった!白川郷の道を歩いたとき、「ひぐらし」の世界に入ったかと思っちゃった。次は春に行きたいなぁ。桜を見たいなぁo(^▽^)o ホシいちゃんは日本に行くつもりなの?
幽玄 @yuugen left a comment for Hoshii
Apr 27, 16 at 9:49am
Stalked you back :) Thanks for the warning about the Eustia spoilers, I'll be careful not to scroll too far hehe. Glad to hear Eustia is worth playing! I'm a huge fan of dark fantasy so I'll definitely start that one soon. Yeah Higurashi was actually my very first anime (besides Pokemon and DBZ when I was a kid) so I watched that and Umineko WAY before I played the VNs (or even knew what a VN was, lol). I'd say the Higurashi VN is still worth playing if you liked the anime. The overall plot is the same but the VN goes into more detail in some arcs and clarifies a lot of things that weren't explained very well in the anime. If you do play it, make sure you get the PS3 sprite patch... it makes the art much better ;) Yeah... Subahibi is one of those VNs where you can sit back for days after you finish it, pondering what the author was really trying to say. Not everyone's cup of tea for sure. And Asairo was certainly the hardest VN I've read. I can totally understand wanting to wait on it lol. I even considered giving up at one point when the Japanese got really archaic and had stuff that my dictionary didn't even recognize ><. I hear some VNs like Soukou Akki Muramasa are even harder but I'm scared to try that one... Hehe I'm more of a mystery/sci-fi fan but I enjoy a good romance once in a while too. Have you considered White Album 2? Haven't played it yet but I hear it's like the holy grail of romance VNs... どういたしまして!ホシイちゃんは日本に行ったことがあるの?
suna @suna left a comment for Hoshii
Apr 27, 16 at 6:35am
え、雪降ってるの?4月後半なのに・・・ こっちは気温が上がって暑いくらいですよ。 学校の授業を受けずに、独学でここまで日本語が理解できるとはすごい事だ!
suna @suna left a comment for Hoshii
Apr 26, 16 at 10:44pm