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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones

hasenmann @hasenmann
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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
hasenmann @hasenmann
Well what was described here is not a true nice guy... it s actualy a dick, that thinks he is nice. A person that is truly nice would never say bad thinks or wanna hurt another person, maybe he kann give genuine, but harsch advice to lead another person into the rigth direction, but only if he thinks the otherone will appreciate it. A true nice guy would never ever badmouth a person, even if that person did to him. Why would he? If he did he would stoop to the same Level as the other person and then he would not be a nice guy anymore.
Your advise is good, because yes, while beeing nice should not be your only trait, it is a must for a somewhat happy relationship. Thats atleast what i belive. I have seen so many good relationship, with happy couples and the guy was always super nice. So the problem is more that these people don't get that they are just dicks and need to move on in live. If the girl is shit, it would have ended in an abusive relationship anyway, so just ignore her. Don't be a Dick.
"Don't be a nice guy, don't be an asshole, don't be a Chad, be genuine, this, is what it means, to be "yourself" "
Well i sligthly disagree. A Chad can also be a good and nice Guy. Well atleast when i think about Chaden (aka Oden) from One Piece. Who wouldn't love such a guy?
You can be genuine and a nice guy. I may still not had a girlfriend but it is entirely on me. I am still liked by all People i have contact with, because I am a true nice guy. I will get a girl. Maybe not here but I have people rooting for me, and I truly believe in them.