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haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
Been looking for a new job; on the bright side, I got the PS3, the PSvita, and the blu-ray player that I wanted this year.

haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
Starting to slow down a lil bit... just needed a break since my leg started hurting, which I needed, so now I'm ready to get back into the fray.

haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
Been very busy lately... work's taken alot of my time, but it has been helpful in me getting a PS Vita and a Blu-Ray player... so I can't complain too much.
Favorite ps1 Game

haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
commented on
Favorite ps1 Game
haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
Final Fantasy 7,8, and 9, Legend of Dragoon, Lunar 1 and 2, Legend of Legaia(that game was seriously great), Syphon Filter, Erghiez and Evil Zone, Symphony of The Night... just to name a few
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?

haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
haruhiistpriest @haruhiistpriest
I'm excited for KH3... curious to see what places Sora and company visit this time(though it's gonna be awhile before I can play it since I don't have a PS4 and only recently picked up a PS3)
Volunteer. Mar 11-13
Sep 12-14
Feb 27-Mar 1
Sep 4-6