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25 year old Female
over 8 years ago
Toronto, Canada
Good morning, evening, or afternoon to whoever is reading this! My name is Hannah, but you can call me by either my German name Renate or my nickname Cat. I'm a sixteen year old high school student in Toronto, Ontario who hopes to get in to a college that teaches tech, coding, all that good stuff since I'd like to become a video game designer someday.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'd like to study coding and stuff once I reach college so I can become a video game designer as I said before. Originally I wanted to be a regular artist before I found out thats it's very hard for artists to make a living. I finally decided that I'd channel my creative side in a choice based game with an intriguing story. I haven't decided what I want the video game to be about, but I'll get there!

I like to write stories a lot. Ive been writing ever since I was five years old since my grandma read to me every night and it inspired me to make stories of my own. Now I write chapter books and even fanfiction occasionally. One day I'd like to publish a book about a hero who slowly realizes that he was the villain all along.

Music wise, I listen to a lot of foreign music, Japanese and Korean mostly. Im a huge Vocaloid nut and really like Fukase, Yohio, Gakupo, and Kaito, especially duets between Kaito and Gakupo. I think the only English artist I really listen to are Owl City and Alexander Rybak, however, I dont know if Alexander Rybak would be considered an English artist since he's Norwegian-Belarusian.

I really like horror games, especially pixelated ones since those always seem to be good and jump scare ones. My favorites have to be Imscared 2016 and Luna Game. Though I've watched play throughs of both enough for them not to scare me anymore, they'll always be my favorites for sure.

One of my major hobbies is roleplaying. Some of you may know of and be part of the army of fake Facebook accounts for certain anime and video game characters. I'm part of that army and am part of the Danganronpa and Hetalia communities, and soon desire to join the Mystic Messenger and Black Butler community.

I really like to watch YouTubers, and my favorite is Jacksepticeye. He's just the most adorable cinnamon roll ever and he cracks me up every day!

I don't really watch TV shows unless they're anime, but I'm obsessed with Korean action movies like A Hard Day and Flu. I also like shows like Angie Tribeca, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, etcetera etcetera. If you have any Korean movie recommendations, please, by all means, message me the title of the movie!

And now on to anime. I'm a huge procrastinator so I never really finish an anime series, but I have finished Danganronpa, Lucky Star, Another, Kotoura-san, Girls Bravo, and am watching Orange and Hetalia.

That's about it! Thanks for reading.




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(゚ヮ゚)中 = Denmark

ರ_ರ೨ = Norway
(ㅎ.ㅎ✞)७ Norway

⌒▽⌒ = Finland

≖ิ_≖ = Sweden

ㅎ_ㅎ = Iceland

(=ヮ=)೨ = Italy

(╬≖ิ__≖) = Germany

(ㅍ_ㅍ) o自 = Japan

(☞≧ヮ≦)☞ = USA

o̿ ̭ o̿ = UK

ლ(= з = )ლ ~♥ = France

(^し^) = Russia

。◕`ヮ´◕。 = China

(who...?) o( 휴ç휴)o = Canada

*(´ヮ`)~* = Spain

(╬..>////<..)ノ = South. Italy

❀(癶ヮ癶) = Hungary

(≖ヮ≖) = Prussia

✌.|•͡˘‿•͡˘|.✌ = Belgium

*((♛‿♛)) = Liectenstein

ಠ_ಠ)o☞ = Switzerland

⇎_⇎ = Belarus

ಥ_ಥ = Ukraine

Σ щ(°Д°щ) = Estonia

(.●´﹏`●.) = Latvia

ξ( `_>´)= Turkey

(=_=).。oO( zzz ) = Greece

( ∂ ω ∂ ) = Mochi America

╬(≧ロ.≦) = Austria

(→‿ฺ←)✌ = Sealand

ಠヮಠ) ~ = Poland

^´_`^'' = Lithuania

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