xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum


Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 I luv nw uv you UwU

xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum

Awwwww my big baby is sick. :(
Lemme gib u some luv n wuv! ♥

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 UwU yes yes luv n wuv is needed for sick daddy bumbum

xxx @__removed_kalaverhite Sana all

Bitch please @tabris
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
Bitch please @tabris
This account has been suspended.

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 What bout the OwO!

xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum

Ehm...daddy bum...cant see QwQ

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 UwU

Bitch please @tabris - UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 OwO!

xxx @__removed_kalaverhite Omg that is an accurate representation of Lei's actual height lol

xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum
I put it all on you
But you know that I don't mean to
I do a damn good job
Of snapping when you ask whats wrong
I put it all on you
But you know that I don't mean to
Don't know how you haven't run off
You're a saint you always stay calm
Even when I'm moody
You know how to see through me
You're so good to me yeah yeah
When I start to lose me
Yeah you know how to soothe me
You're so good to me yeah yeah
Even when I'm down
I know I can count on you
To bring me back around
Baby you're so good to me
Even when I, even when I'm moody
Even when I, even when I'm moody
I put it all on you, I know it isn't fair to do
Yeah sometimes I'm just starting fights
And don't even have a reason why
I put it all on you, I know it isn't fair to do
Don't know how you haven't run off
You're a saint, you always stay calm
Even when I'm moody
You know how to see through me
You're so good to me yeah yeah
When I start to lose me
Yeah you know how to soothe me
You're so good to me yeah yeah
Even when I'm down
I know I can count on you
To bring me back around
Baby you're so good to me
Even when I, even when I'm moody
Even when I, even when I'm moody
(Moody, moody, moody) yeah yeah
(Moody, moody, moody) yeah yeah
Even when I don't deserve you
Even when I hurt you
Even when I'm moody
You know how to see through me
You're so good to me yeah yeah
When I start to lose me
Yeah you know how to soothe me
You're so good to me yeah yeah
Even when I'm down
I know I can count on you
To bring me back around
Baby you're so good to me
Even when I, even when I'm moody
Even when I, even when I'm moody
(Moody, moody, moody) yeah yeah
(Moody, moody, moody) yeah yeah

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 QT I LOVE YOU

xxx @__removed_kalaverhite Sana all

xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum


Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 I luv n wuv u

xxx @__removed_kalaverhite Spread the love

xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum

Me: Bumbum Imma jus take a nap. Wake me up after 30 mins.
Also me: **wakes up the nxt day
And also me: **Blames you xDDD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 XDDDD i couldnt wake you up not my fault xD

xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum

I have a lot aaahahahahaha x)))

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Wait what were? OwO

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Wait you didn’t delete those? OwO

xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum

u da real mvp UwU xD
I love u

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 If you think so UwU than im really glad cause i did right UwU. I luv n wuv you

xxx @__removed_leilum
left a comment for
Great Daddy MH39
xxx @__removed_leilum
100% awake eyy? xDDD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 XD staph baby banana OwO