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VashTheStampede @vashthestampede
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VashTheStampede @vashthestampede
Thanks ^_^ I'm always trying to make improvements on it, glad you like it =D

gone @normandy
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gone @normandy
Well Anime World Chicago is not on my list since it's not in this site's database. I went to that one last August.
This year I'm definitely going to UChi-Con and ACen. I'm hoping to make the trip to Baltimore for Otakon as well. If I don't go to Otakon I'll probably try to go to SoyCon, but otherwise they might be a bit close together.
I may try to go to KollisonCon again also, depending on how much money Otakon sucks up (which will probably be a lot >_>).

gone @normandy
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gone @normandy
Alright, maybe I'll give it a shot some time. :3
What conventions do you go to?
strongest anime character

Funny_Bunny @funny_bunny
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strongest anime character
Funny_Bunny @funny_bunny
Kamina from Gurren lagann all the way!
Whats your current cosplay?

Funny_Bunny @funny_bunny
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Whats your current cosplay?
Funny_Bunny @funny_bunny
Sarah from Zone-00 and Jet Star from the KillJoys.