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Last online 3 days ago
Got raisins huh, how about a date?
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn it doesn't make any sense XD
I like all accents though french does have a special place in my heart because of her https://youtu.be/M4Wy1Hjoca4
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn haha you watch her a lot?
Ohhh I'm a sucker for a good accent! If you know a French friend with a nice accent let me know xD. Thank you very much, it's more warehouse general labor stuff and forklift driving. I got years of experience so hopefully I can get decent pay. Do you have any raisins?
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn haha you like french accents? fingers crossed. i believe we have raisins
Sounds like a fun time, hope you enjoy all of it and hopefully your pals aren't in Russia or Ukraine. Hm well aside from family time I've been applying to jobs, got a interview Monday so hopefully it goes well and all. Other then that gonna try to enjoy games too since I feel like I haven't been deserving anything lately. Btw do you like dad jokes?
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn i am going to send letters to the Netherlands, USA and France. good luck! what kind of job is it? i can enjoy a good joke haha
I gotcha daily habit forming and muscle memory. How's your Friday going and got any weekend plans?
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn my day has been pretty chill, got off early from school and have watched youtube ever since... i am going to write some penpal letters this weekend, and probably play some games!
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn What about you!?
Ohhhh I gotcha that makes sense to me and then understanding how everything fits back in definitely see how concentration gets better.
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn yep and then doing it over again many many times haha
That thing is huge! I see you've been working out. Do you usually just undo parts one by one?
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn haha it looks big, but it isn't that big, let me see if i can find a pic of it in my hand. well you have to keep track of every part, so removing them one by one is best i think haha
Sounds like a good learning process that can help you with other things as well, if you ever make one from scratch or are working on one personally could I see?
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn we only repair watches, i have a picture of the watch we are working on though
If you're enjoying it and it's interesting then I'm glad, sounds like it was worth it. Though now I'm thinking some need extra skill and dedication though having small hands might be useful with that? Idk I think mine are big?
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn haha a big thing in the education is learning to concentrate for a longer time, and we work our way down. So like we don't start with a tiny watch, we start with a clock and then smaller and smaller
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn also doesn't really matter how small hands you have, you use tools haha
that's cool! I never really thought about how watches move until now, I guess there's a mechanism in there that makes the hands move? Have you always been interested in watches?
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn haha yes there is a mechanism. not really haha, i have a friend that took the education, and he was like do it.
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn but i will say, you learn to appreciate watches more and more