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Queenjellyfish @ijimble
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Queenjellyfish @ijimble
It's going gewd. c:

CrownCross @alucard317
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CrownCross @alucard317
Welcome to the site.
Hi there.

frankenbeary @frankenbeary
commented on
Hi there.
frankenbeary @frankenbeary
Thanks man. I like the basics like naruto but not so much bleach. My friend got me to watch a series called Btooom. I really liked it.
I play more video games than I watch anime though. you?
Hi there.

frankenbeary @frankenbeary
Hi there.
frankenbeary @frankenbeary
A friend of mine suggested this site to me so I thought I'd give it a go. My name is Anthony, but most people just call me Bear. Nice to meet you all.