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frozen @frozenxheavens
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frozen @frozenxheavens
hey! i got the add. i see you like the tales of games? i dunno much about them but i have heard nothing but good things. i've actually just very recently gotten into JRPGs outside of final fantasy. really enjoyed persona 4 and 5. about to play persona 3 FES i think as my next game, looking at dragonquest VIII and radiata stories as well.
just getting into reading manga, i've really only watched anime up to this point, but i'm finding reading a lot of fun!
and outside of halloween i really haven't done any cosplay but i have respect for it as an artform and form of expression. just as valid and cool as anything else ^_^
what would be a good tales game to get into the series?

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Vesperia or symphony. Berseria is also a good stable version of the newest one.