sensitive_shonen41 @sensitive_shonen41
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sensitive_shonen41 @sensitive_shonen41
Thank you for the kind welcome. :) What part of Illinois are you from?

lordbanana @lordnekko
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lordbanana @lordnekko
Ya, I do that a lot, I don't think it's for that kind of reason, I think it's because I tend to watch whole series in one sitting, and burn myself out when I go onto another XD

lordbanana @lordnekko
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lordbanana @lordnekko
Ooh, I started Wolf's Rain a long time ago, and got about 4 episodes in, but I somehow got distracted, (seems like it happens a lot with some of the best animes for some odd reasons >.>), and I just finished FMA brotherhood a week or two ago, and loved it :3, and I know a lot of people who didn't finish Haruhi, mostly because of the endless eight X

enjeruvanskittles @enjeruvanskittles
enjeruvanskittles @enjeruvanskittles
Ehehe. I feel that way too...but if I absolutely had to pick a favorite, it would be Wolf's Rain. A few weeks ago, I'd have said Fullmetal Alchemist, but I recently finished it, and it blew my mind.
Oh, and I LOVED Angel Beats! ^.^ I never did finish Haruhi though...

lordbanana @lordnekko
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lordbanana @lordnekko
Oh god I dread this question XD, there's so many that I love for so many different reasons >.>, but I guess some of the standards would be the melancholy of Haruhi, angel beats, and probably just about everything in my watched or in progress shows, I'm a bit indecisive when it comes to this, I don't like picking favorites XD

enjeruvanskittles @enjeruvanskittles
enjeruvanskittles @enjeruvanskittles
Oh, I've had much weirder. D:
So...hmm. What now?
I guess...what's your favorite anime? (Standard question x3)

lordbanana @lordnekko
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lordbanana @lordnekko
lol, it has gotten a bit weird hasn't it? I could say I've had weirder though XD, and if there's anything else you'd rather talk about I'm all ears :D

lordbanana @lordnekko
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lordbanana @lordnekko
Gotta stop smoking then :P, lol I kid of course, but I'd have to say that's probably my only redeeming physical attribute, is my endurance/stamina XD

lordbanana @lordnekko
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lordbanana @lordnekko
Ya, I couldn't stand giving up my favorite foods, they're to delicious :3, and I can't really run either, I can, but for some reason if it's for more than a block, it feels like my legs will buckle >.>

lordbanana @lordnekko
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lordbanana @lordnekko
Oh come on, you don't look fat :3, and ya brains over brawn :D
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