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elhaym @elhaym left a comment for Elmo
May 16, 18 at 11:16am
I cannot remember that the month May was so sunny the last years~ Really know what you mean; especially if you have a sticky heat inside the bureau and could melt. Oh, snow is very rare in Texas? A storm with rain? That sounds very uncozy. Does Texas has alot of storms? I could imagine that storms in America are much more heavy than in Germany. Daw, I'm sorry to hear that :( I know how does it feel if a beloved parent has left you. My mother decided to live with someone who had abused me in my early youthhood. He saws me at his opponent and wanted that I'm far far away. Shit happens. Alcohol is a very bad drug. My Grandfather (Moms Dad) died from his addiction. He trembled alot if he hadn't his Korn/Schnapps. I appreciate your thoughts don't want to follow the failures of your father. Go ahead on that! Teheh~ that is really cute. So is your son a Godzilla fan, too? Teen Titans (Go) is a nice show - I can imagine why he loves it :) My mother watched alot of shows with me - Georgie and Princess Sarah was her favourites. http://fr.web.img6.acsta.net/medias/nmedia/18/70/09/18/19087132.jpg http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/E5-52.jpg It's funny to remember that she was talking about the following episodes with another mother (we also watched it with her friend and daughters). Ohh.. Oh I see! Child's Play is scary for children (I've seen Stephen King’s It as a child - also scary). Who really scares me in my childhood was E.T. *cough* Hahaha, so true with the Power Rangers :D I still like the Oddworld games, the old Tomb Raider or Nintendo games like Breath of Fire, Secret of Mana and so on~ :)
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for Elmo
May 10, 18 at 2:16am
The weather is really nice the last days. I hope your son still enjoy it :) Lakes and beaches are a good alternative if you have a chlorine allergy like I have. Yesterday, I visited a lake and fortunately the water was warm enough to swim in it. Do you like snow or rain? Unfortunately, it give a few parents who forsake their children - intentionally or not intentionally.I'm so glad to hear that she is still there. That is truly not self-evident. I'm also glad that he feels loved by his mother. Aww, so adorable that you're watching animes with your son :) I haven't seen Bananya and Nyanko Days before, but it looks very cute. I imagine when I was in your son age, I watched the movie Watership Down with my mother. Well, in Germany, the movie has a FSK 0/6 (kinda PEGI 3+) and that movie scared me alot. True true, some shows what I've seen in my childhood was also just garbage but on the other hand, some shows are really deep and make it more to a precious memory. Really? That sounds awful :( Are Germans so hated in America? I hope that your grandmother doesn't suffer anymore. Gisela sounds also like a lovely woman. Also, I can imagine how relieved both are that it gives a fellow German in the neighboorhood. I'm wondering if both ladies can still speak German very well. Since I'm using English I renconize how I forget some German words :D
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for Elmo
May 07, 18 at 9:59pm
90's sounds pretty sunny. I hope you had alot fun with your son in the water park. Maybe I'll also swim a bit if the weather is still warm and sunny~ Do you only visit water parks or also lakes and beaches? I see :) It's good thing that the mother of your child is still there - I find it horrible if one of the parent doesn't care of their own child for some reason (because they didn't want it etc). So, a big thumbs up :) Do you also watch some animes with your son? I really know what you mean~ So many old animes and games are waking up nostalgia moment if I take a look on it. It gives me a very good feeling. My father told me also alot of WW II. Certainly, I had that topic at school, but you get more information and how cruel that time was if you can hear it personally by a contemporary witness. I can tell that he has a bit traumata. Hahaha I see :D I like your Grandmother :)
I always take responsibility even when perhaps I shouldn’t. I have only had long term relationships (one for 5 years and the last one over 12 years) if you do not count school. When the last one ended I got the whole “it’s not you it’s me speech” (you’re so great, I’ve just changed, blah, blah) and looking back it is pretty clear that she was seeing someone else for a few months before she ended it. Even still, I take responsibility as had I noticed the signs sooner, or perhaps done other things differently, things would have played out differently. I guess my point is that since a relationship is between two people only rarely can it really just be one person’s fault so it’s always wise to think what one can do better. It is how we grow as people.