professor_genki @professor_genki
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professor_genki @professor_genki
Hello there. u an absolute beauty! ^_^
I like your collection of anime as well.

nakobass @nakobass
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nakobass @nakobass
I know what you mean. All we can do is move forward and hope for the best.

Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
i ahve been gone for so long .. life is a bitch

Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
im not doing this any more, this my last time going through the hold unfriend and friend request thing

Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
Im so confused right now

Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
I want to kow who alls going to AWA this year, who can i meet up with ?????

Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
I want to kow who alls going to AWA this year, who can i meet up with ?????

kaelin @kaelin
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kaelin @kaelin
Yes I am what about you?

Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
Ekaterina1313 @ekaterina1313
been gone for a while but im back

Unzen @unzen
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Unzen @unzen
Hi hi so your going to Momocon I see! I am new to this site just joined recently. I was hoping you'd like to meet and hang out or somethin at momocon ^_^ oh and I like your anime choices aswell as the pictures!