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eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
neither did I, I think it is actually more special to have recived chocolate on V day
Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You

ivytsuta @ivytsuta
commented on
Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You
ivytsuta @ivytsuta
Never received chocolates on Valentines Day. I would be sad if this is true @xinmage

eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy

I love plushies too, but I always strugle to buy them. Have you got any recommended sites?
I found this cute Raphtalia in my local anime shop but never really on the internet
Last one to post here wins

nonokoweeb @nonokoweeb
commented on
Last one to post here wins
nonokoweeb @nonokoweeb
I love plushies

eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
@blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
seeing that would make me think all of the girls I adimire and would be interested in are already taken and feel even worse xD.
But honestly I don't have any right to complain about my life, everything except romance is going well. So I guess the saying: "you can't have everthing" is true

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
This account has been suspended.
Why are you single?

eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
commented on
Why are you single?
eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
haven't found someone I am really interested in. (in real life/close enough to actually try striking up a conversation or let alone a date) most probably because I don't like going out and thus rarely am at places where other people that are potentially single are.
2nd reason, I think, or at least from the experience so far I am not attractive to the other gender, neither visually nor while talking since I take things mostly at face value and this is not always the way the conversation is supposed to go, according to them...if you say something is impossible I go out and profe (with logical arguments) that it is possible.... yes I know but I can't help it but do this.

eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
commented on
eddy_teddy @eddy_teddy
I have to admit, I came here with the hope of meeting/talking to anime fans from my county and maybe something would develop from that, maybe not. But as far as I saw (since I am new here maybe I am wrong) there are 3 girls registerd from my country.
I now think I will just use it as a way to practice talking with people, since I am rather shy.