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duquin @duquin
duquin @duquin
I follow so many anime online it would be folly to list them all to you. It seems I find myself watching at least one episode of something a day. I also read a ton of manga online as well. As for con's I've only ever had the time and money to go to ACen up in Chicago. I'd love to go again or to another but I'm always either too poor or too busy at the time. One year I'd like to set up a con tour or something to make up for all the time I've lost lol.

Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
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Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
I watch all my anime online~ It's free! Besides, I prefer the Japanese soundtrack to the Dubbed. It sounds more natural to me. I watch the new One Piece every Sunday and I'm watching Black Butler too. I am planning on going to DragonCon this year in Atlanta. I can only afford one con a year because I spend so much money at them! XD You? :3

Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
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Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
lol~ :"> Well thank you. I guess I'm alright~ But that's not really the case. I've had one or two guys contact me, but not many. I initially joined for dating also, but I've had a hard time with it.. so I've decided to take a step back and just find friends for now. If something develops later..? I'll be very happy~ ^^
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duquin @duquin
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duquin @duquin