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hanzosenpai @hanzosenpai
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hanzosenpai @hanzosenpai

diversis @diversis
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diversis @diversis
Thank you for adding to friends ;)

Left_Handed_Man @sev
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Left_Handed_Man @sev
Thanks for the add. :)
The "looking for a relationship" thread

dolores_ @dolores_
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
dolores_ @dolores_
Hi , my name is Dolores but people call me Lol ( one person called me it and it just sort of stuck , don't really know why but oh well ) I'm 18 , living in London as a student. But I have a lot of part time jobs , one of which requires drums.
I am 5,3.5 ( yes the .5 matters) I have brown-ish hair , blue eyes and quite slim. I'm half Italian half British.
Like; anime obviously, manga , music, late night walks, dogs, David Bowie, kpop , jrock , books, traveling, laughing.
Dislikes; Don't really have many dislikes other that when people litter ,oh and moths.
I don't really know what to expect out of this but I mean anything is better than nothing I suppose , whether it consist of just a hi , how are you , good you ,sort of chat , a friendship or something more.
But if you are interested make sure to say hi :)
Would you marry the person above you?

dolores_ @dolores_
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Would you marry the person above you?
dolores_ @dolores_
Not a fan of gundam so nope