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dinubrosha @dinubrosha
dinubrosha @dinubrosha
Thank you, thank you! ^^

Hime @hime
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Hime @hime
Welcome to MO! :D

dinubrosha @dinubrosha
dinubrosha @dinubrosha
Anyone who plays Tekken Tag 2? Add me on PSN! I use the same name as on here. Dinubrosha. x-x
Otakon 2013

dinubrosha @dinubrosha
commented on
Otakon 2013
dinubrosha @dinubrosha
I might be there, 1st time going to Ota c:
MMO gamers: Check in here!!!

dinubrosha @dinubrosha
commented on
MMO gamers: Check in here!!!
dinubrosha @dinubrosha
I currently play: Tera, and League of Legends. ^^;;
Used to play a lot of Vindictus, Phantasy Star Online 2, and Guild Wars 2.