razgrizraven @razgrizraven
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razgrizraven @razgrizraven
Hello there

nekogirl23 @nekogirl23
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nekogirl23 @nekogirl23
Thanks some of those pics r old ones Xp I'm not on here anymore
so if u want u can look me.up on Facebook under Chris Ramirez my pic.is of Pokemon character red

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
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Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Yea it is. A lot of loans though they know just like the housing market you won't be able to pay back so please be careful. Just because someone tells you that you will be able to pay it back doesn't make it so. That was told to many that got loans for houses. Didn't end well.

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
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Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Careful of predatory loans for school.

Bri-Kun @raz
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Bri-Kun @raz
oops accept friend request first ^^;

Bri-Kun @raz
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Bri-Kun @raz
Do you live close to Six Flags by chance? Ooo and yeah I'm here for you if you want to talk. Check your message box.

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
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Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Np. Ummmm never mind about the AI party thing.
So how are you?

void44 @void44
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void44 @void44
Yo. You seem pretty awesome. I too am interested in dating. Wanna chat sometime?

Bri-Kun @raz
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Bri-Kun @raz
Sorry couldn't help but notice you were needing a job.
I recently moved to a different state a few weeks ago and signed up to a temp agency and within 4 days of signing up I got my first assignment at a Cheese Factory lol. It's the fastest way to find a job outside of prostitution ^___^'. When you sign up ask for a 'Light Industrial' job they usually pay around $10.00/hour and are generally really easy positions.
Also imo the best website to find non-temp jobs is indeed.com it's basically the google for finding jobs. Hope that helps ^__^' Feel free to chat anytime.

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
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Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Also any chance you were at AI in a room party?