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30 year old Male
Last online almost 8 years ago
Ottawa, Canada
❣Chiyo❣ @sukizee left a comment for deardrops
Mar 20, 14 at 7:01pm
Haha what can i say xD and hey sean im sophie c:
Deactivated @ruby left a comment for deardrops
Mar 20, 14 at 6:50pm
Your welcome xD lol,im doing pretty good but its super cold T^T sigh,wbu?...haha thanks ^.^ narwhals are my fav animal :p ,Nothing really just been watching witchcraft works and drawing alot x3 , and yourself?
gumitrancy @gumitrancy left a comment for deardrops
Mar 20, 14 at 4:39pm
Hi. I'm Sierra. And thank you. :)
absolutely *^* i didn't saw a community so far, were everyone were so nice :D i love this author :'3 David Thorne *^* he's like the whole mood of the internet in one person :'3 whow, that's a wonderful quote though *w* it has many real aspects in it, it makes me thinkfully...~ thats unbelievable friendly of you *-* i'll come back to this >w<
Sel @redskittles left a comment for deardrops
Mar 20, 14 at 4:25pm
Nice to meet you! (: &My name's Selena. &Sure! xD I really need more people to play with. I'll go ahead and add you right now. Btw, if it seems like I die too much, I swear it's not on purpose. <.< >.> Anyway, what's up? ^^
it seems so :DD ah okay :D nyaah, people who want one to do stuff are the people i fear most :'D How my favorite writer said once: "I'm not a fan of carrying anything. Even watching other people carrying things makes me uncomfortable. Mainly because of the possibility they may ask me to help" best quote ever :'3 ahh, okay :D now i learned again =W=
kait12 @kait12 left a comment for deardrops
Mar 20, 14 at 2:12pm
Hey! I'm good, how are you? :3
Haruu @haruu left a comment for deardrops
Mar 20, 14 at 1:54pm
HEY DEAR. Finally you are. =w= Lol, I wont. I can write a lot if the other person lets me.. and that's kind of like never. Sooo~ You better reply back too. .. =__= Always with the judging.. =__=;; I woke up kinda late for school actually.. TwT;; So I had to make a quick brunch. I was eating it all through my classes lolol. I usually never have time to eat breakfast at home since I'm in a rush, so I eat in class. Everyone is pretty used to it so it wasn't that bad ahaha~ I ended falling asleep during one of my classes though.. Our teacher put up this long video and I was tired from last night. You guys kept me up way too late.. -w-;; Oh well~ It was a good day. c: How about you, Dear? What did you do? Get you sleeping schedule in order yet or does it still suck? >w>;;
sionxtc @sionxtc left a comment for deardrops
Mar 20, 14 at 1:03pm
I was there my friend! Earlier in the day that is. I was talking to mage haruu and alexis and I even asked about you. I miss you too bro! >____<'
yeaah :33 thats great *^* And how's it going with get those people back? ^-^ ayy, not so good :/ because of a Job or why? acquaintances? ^^' (sry, i don't know this word, i have to learn more english xox')