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32 year old Male
Last online over 9 years ago
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 11:19pm
thanks so much! :) and when you watch it, let me know what you think
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 10:37pm
Well when i was younger my grandma tought me a little bit how to sew but i've just been winging it. I can sew but its kinda messy work. And you should watch the movie wreck it ralph, its a good one in m opinion :)
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 10:20pm
i only have the skirt and the leggings done im still working on more of it, I kind of had to post pone it for a while but hopefully will be able to start it up again soon! :D For your character i would say a balance check and calculator :)
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 10:05pm
Right now i am working on venelope von sweetz from wreck it ralph
Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525 left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 9:41pm
Why hello you sorry I forgot to respond before >.>
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 9:36pm
I have not seen sword art yet but its on my watch list! :) That sounds pretty amazing though either way! And i know that character! Its just the last name that threw me off. Do you have any pics of your cosplay? And I totally know what you mean about being broke, i try to make my outfits. Im in the process of working on one, still making it though.
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 9:25pm
What is the Sakura-con about and where is it located? Who is Kyoya OOtori from? :) October is a long time to wait :/ I have until July to plan for the con i am going to
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 9:13pm
I wish i could too, there is one in the UK I would really like to visit, but i will accept what i can take. :) Are you going to cosplay as anyone?
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 1:22pm
Anime iowa and anime detour. Going to anime iowa again this year :)
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kazuto
Mar 09, 13 at 12:42pm
im doing good so far. How is your day going? Have you gone to any cons?