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zeroshin @zeroshin
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zeroshin @zeroshin

teamalucardgirl @teamalucardgirl
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teamalucardgirl @teamalucardgirl
Hi how are you?

eli3weirdness @eli3weirdness
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eli3weirdness @eli3weirdness
hey ^^
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Kazuto @darkmizuki92
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Kazuto @darkmizuki92
@riffaffray at times it does get a bit complicated. especially when an instructor just gives you a bunch a random food and says ok make me something out of this and you're just like ............i think im fucked >.>. and Yea you mean Gordon Ramsay. He is a dick in the kitchen but overall he's a really nice guy. my dad got a chance to work with him for a few days and when it came to conversation he was calm as can be. Dinner service..........he was red the entire time lets leave it at that. he just likes to have things done right
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Kazuto @darkmizuki92
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Kazuto @darkmizuki92
I'm studying to become a chef and ive learned from my parents that have 20+ years of experience working in restaurants so naturally its been second nature to me :p
Sep 25-27
Oct 13-16
Oct 11-14
Oct 10-13