uberhaou @uberhaou
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
uberhaou @uberhaou
Hey we should chat or something :D

jasonrueda @jasonrueda
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
jasonrueda @jasonrueda
hey ^.^

Nipplord @nipplord
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
Nipplord @nipplord
This account has been suspended.

Alessandro @jang11491
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
Alessandro @jang11491
Gratitude for el add and howdy from.. Here!

TomorrowKid @tomorrowkid
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
TomorrowKid @tomorrowkid
Thanks for the add Neko-san!

Matchu @quad
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
Matchu @quad
thanks for the add :]

Shiny_Byeol @kakazi63
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
Shiny_Byeol @kakazi63
Thanks for the add. ^-^

Cirno9 @saishy
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
Cirno9 @saishy

Kristalee @kristaleesan
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
Kristalee @kristaleesan
Hi thank you for the friend invite ^O^ How are you

Nethlight @nethlight
left a comment for
Hade's Lady
Nethlight @nethlight
There was no need to be rude or mean to me on the Forums. What I said about aiisholuv was only a joke, and wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I have already apologized on the Forum.
My advise, next time you come across a conversation like that, ask questions first. Don't assume someone is trying to harass someone.
P.S. Love what you did with the hair. :)