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Last online over 10 years ago
nary89 @nary89 left a comment for cybernako
Sep 24, 13 at 5:11pm
yeah, i'm also waiting for the new Pokemon X and Y to come out so i'll be playing that too. i also want the Luigi's mansion. that already came out just haven't had the time to get it. maybe i'll get it someday ;o. miss that game xD if my ps3 worked i woulda played cod again on it. but since its like dead who knows wen i'll fix it again x.x;
nary89 @nary89 left a comment for cybernako
Sep 24, 13 at 10:17am
lol r u talkin about my likes/dislikes and wat i was sayin to that person? :p and yes i have xbox 360 and i havent played it in a while but now tat GTAV came out, might start playing that wen i get a chance. but since i'm in college kinda hard to xD so my bros is always hogging it. I just got home from class. and it seems ur an early riser?:P and I have 3ds all the pokemon games as u saw in my pic, plus animal crossing , oh god i havent touched my 3ds in two weeks x.x so idk how bad my animal crossing game is. im to scared to find out. i really gotta rem to get it from my bros house. always seem to forget xDD. i had a ps3, well still have but it broke :( got yellow death. tried to fix it a few times. never got it to fix :/ it only lasted few weeks lol. then decided to like hey i'm gonna not let it work so you cant play it xD i have a wii, but idk where that is. N64 i have ofc. gamecube went missing xD. and i love pokemon <3 right now im into pc gaming XD
bleh. @reaeryn left a comment for cybernako
Sep 24, 13 at 7:22am
Lmaoooo. xD I've always been lesbian. I wanted to make sure it wasn't a phase. I don't like to limit myself to just one sex, but I know deep down, I want to end up with a woman.
Pawlitics @pawlitics left a comment for cybernako
Sep 23, 13 at 8:19pm
Bonjour (‐^▽^‐)
bleh. @reaeryn left a comment for cybernako
Sep 23, 13 at 3:09pm
Thank you. -smiles- It means a lot. What's new.
nary89 @nary89 left a comment for cybernako
Sep 22, 13 at 8:29pm
I'm fine ty , how r u ? :3 and names Nary, watz urs?:O
bleh. @reaeryn left a comment for cybernako
Sep 22, 13 at 2:56pm
Okay, thank you. I would hug you right now if I could
bleh. @reaeryn left a comment for cybernako
Sep 22, 13 at 10:41am
I agree... I just don't want to burden anyone with my internal struggles.
bleh. @reaeryn left a comment for cybernako
Sep 21, 13 at 5:03pm
I'll live. I'm used to this. :)
bleh. @reaeryn left a comment for cybernako
Sep 21, 13 at 11:01am
Don't worry about it. :)