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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Oh damn man, sounds like a blast.

nikkichu @nikkichu
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nikkichu @nikkichu
Hmm who knew they had such a hard time lol

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Hey man sorry to just drop in out of nowhere and I hope this doesn’t come to out of place but how did you get the name squid?
who likes hentai :P

Squid @dalmor01
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who likes hentai :P
Squid @dalmor01
I'll admit I like hentai. More because it entails a lot of strange and impossible things. In actual porn, you can dress up, write up a story, and turn awkward into hot; but in the end, there's a finite number of things to see, and eventually it doesn't have the same magic. There's no end what can be found in hentai. Personally,
What Do You Look For in Women?

Squid @dalmor01
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What Do You Look For in Women?
Squid @dalmor01
1. making sure they are actually a woman. Do not want to start something and find out later that they had something "extra".
2. Yea, I'll admit that I look in physical attractiveness. Most do. If you see two people, one very attractive and one that looks like a basement-dwelling ogre, I'd probably go for the attractive one. However, it's not all that matters.
3. I look at how the person appears and how they are acting. If they are dressed messy, and look like they don't take personal care for themselves, that speaks a lot about them. Do they seem comfortable in how they are dressed, where they are? Are they sociable? Are they likely to grab and drag into random situations?
Or does the person seem quiet and nervous? Are they avoiding other people and keeping there head low? This speaks of high shyness, which can make it difficult to truly hit things off.
I take pride in looking for a quality otaku rather than any woman that fulfills basic physical desires. Read the person before you go in.