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I need to touch grass. @joemama711
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I need to touch grass. @joemama711
Oh nice! You're also watching sabiuki bisco!

czernobog @czernobog Yeah, I enjoyed it quite abit while I'm waiting for some of the other heavy hitters comming out this year

I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Nice the finale came out yesterday, holding that off until I have free time xD

czernobog @czernobog
czernobog @czernobog
Big if true
Unpopular opinions

Rorik Senpai (3D Artist) @thecave2317
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Unpopular opinions
Rorik Senpai (3D Artist) @thecave2317
Dragon Ball GT was the best anime I've ever seen, right up there with Netflix's Cowboy Bebop Live Action and Dragon Ball Evolution

omfglord @omfglord
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omfglord @omfglord
Yes, the world does needs more Succubus
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czernobog @czernobog
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What Are You Listening To Right Now?
czernobog @czernobog
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

czernobog @czernobog
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What Are You Listening To Right Now?
czernobog @czernobog