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CurseOfTheBlackRose @curseoftheblackrose
CurseOfTheBlackRose @curseoftheblackrose
Won't be on here for much longer .

CurseOfTheBlackRose @curseoftheblackrose
CurseOfTheBlackRose @curseoftheblackrose
When you have three guns shooting towards your direction cause your in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've been in the hood for far too long.. This place and the dumbass people who live here will not be the death of me. Shoot at me if you please But you better kill me cause if you don't it will just make me go corrupt cause how fucking stupid you are.. Cause I won't fucking think twice about killing you. Kill or be killed.. -_-

Aka-san @redhawk Wtf thats crazy o.o

Aka-san @redhawk Be safe

0megablaster @omegablaster
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0megablaster @omegablaster
Congratulations on getting your own bakery ^_^