cursedrena @cursedrena
cursedrena @cursedrena

bleeeeh am sick. want death~

S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan Get better soon! No dying allowed!

cursedrena @cursedrena
cursedrena @cursedrena


cursedrena @cursedrena
cursedrena @cursedrena

S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan Cute kitty.

cursedrena @cursedrena I am the cutest kitty~ :3

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

cursedrena @cursedrena it seems like something lewd is going on~

cursedrena @cursedrena
cursedrena @cursedrena

Time for sleeps~

cursedrena @cursedrena
cursedrena @cursedrena

I'm back~ I think~

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
remu remu~
nee-sama nee-sama~

cursedrena @cursedrena OH MY~

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

cursedrena @cursedrena She looks so smug~

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
if that dumbass said yes >w>
subaru worst mc of all time~~~

cursedrena @cursedrena I agree on the fact he has shit choice in girl at least~ >w> Rem is clearly best meido~ (also I wanna watch more so badly but the second half the series is still on hiatus from Funnimation ;-;)

Lamby @momoichi ram is best meido! emilia is best girl tho =w=

Lamby @momoichi ram had it worse, and i dislike that the show tried to portray it that rem had it worse >w>

Lamby @momoichi also pink hair = perfection

cursedrena @cursedrena Controversial things: Feat Lamby~

cursedrena @cursedrena I mean I like both~ It's hard for me to dislike a character~

cursedrena @cursedrena But blue is clearly the superior color~ =w=

Lamby @momoichi the anime as a whole i disliked to be honest, my SO made me finish it >w>

Lamby @momoichi i heard the LN is alot better


cursedrena @cursedrena I haven't read the LN~ but so far I don't really dislike the anime~ other than it taking an eternity to being released~

cursedrena @cursedrena and no! BLUE IS BEST

Lamby @momoichi a friend told me the LN is better because the anime skips so much character developement i think so the girls dont feel fleshed out at all EXCEPT REM BECAUSE THEY BUILD REM UP TO BE BEST GIRL JUST TO FORCE THE MC TO REJECT HER. THATS CHEAP. THATS NOT HOW YOU MAKE PEOPLE FEELS THATS HOW YOU MAKE THEM MADE AND END UP BEING A MEME

Lamby @momoichi mad not made*

cursedrena @cursedrena One day I'll probably end up getting the manga or LN~ and omfg~ I know I'm gonna get so pissed when that scene comes up~ xD

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21

cursedrena @cursedrena Thicc~ :3

Lamby @momoichi HOLY *launched into the sky like team rocket propelled by nose bleed blood*

Lamby @momoichi *walks back* i wonder if i buy a 3d printer, add some stem cells instead of plastic, i could print her and make her mine....

cursedrena @cursedrena Hmm, just a hunch, but I think Lamby might of just liked that. Maybe just a little~ >w>

cursedrena @cursedrena Also how'd you walk back here so fast?~ >w>

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21 She takes after me <w< also i call dibs on the demon ass

cursedrena @cursedrena I like many things~ Demon ass is just one of many~ >w> Also you gave this ass to me~! Are you taking it back?~ xD

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21 Nah i got loads so im good x3