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whiskerbiscuitz @whiskerbiscuitz
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whiskerbiscuitz @whiskerbiscuitz
Dis girls cosplay game is off the chains haha. CUTE AF.

blu3m0on @blu3m0on
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blu3m0on @blu3m0on

Hello and welcome!

Shoe @qsizmeh
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Shoe @qsizmeh
Welcome :D
I take request

crl3001 @crl3001
I take request
crl3001 @crl3001
I am good at drawing or at least I like to think so I need a tons more practice if anyone wants me to draw something I can try :)
Learning Japanese

crl3001 @crl3001
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Learning Japanese
crl3001 @crl3001
Learning Japanese is hard but I like it XD. Kanji is actually not as hard as I thought.