So.. I'm 30. Not the most talkative guy, but I do love my anime. I'm also into video games, movies, superhero stuff, and reading. I don't really get out much lately since I'm bedridden, but I still hang out with people online (Xbox One) and text/snapchat with people. I'm always down for some RP (role play), discussing favorite things (anime or not), or watching new anime or other suggested movies and shows together online (Skype or Facetime). I also like sports.. Basketball, specifically. My favorite team is the Chicago Bulls. I'm also a bit of an audiophile and REALLY into headphones, the different tech used in them, and their differences in sound signature. I watch anime almost daily, my favorite hero is Batman (and Moon Knight), my favorite anti-hero is Spawn, I love RPG and MMO video games, and my favorite genre of books are horror, mystery, and fantasy. I'm not really sure what else to cover, but if you have questions, I'll answer any and all of them. (: