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nerovega @nerovega
left a comment for
yuuji kazami
nerovega @nerovega
Well you have certainly not disappointed from everything i've heard about you from people. You're a huge prick and you are a huge creeper on the ladies here. From all the girls i've talked to they say you're very creepy and kinda are scared of your obsessiveness. Your name is Cody Twine right? And you feel it is reasonable to treat people poorly and talk down upon gay people because your a chubby virgin and you are frustrated? But you shouldn't be frustrated virginity is a blessing my friend be happy you still have it. Please refrain from giving any more people grief its painful to see. Good day.

nerovega @nerovega
left a comment for
yuuji kazami
nerovega @nerovega
Dear Lelouch Vi Britania:
I sent you a friend requst so we could be friends?? lol thought thats what they were for. Since you have it that no one can interact with you unless we're friends makes it hard to communicate a response in any other way than this.

Hika @hika
left a comment for
yuuji kazami
Hika @hika
That was before you started creeping me out!!
just please leave me alone!