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CocoTenshi @cocotenshi
CocoTenshi @cocotenshi
Those wanting to join my gamer server give me a few I am looking at messages now I will send those who has messaged me to the server. thank you for your patients I am sorry, i was not here I have been busy.

calchan92 @calchan92
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calchan92 @calchan92
Happy New Year!

Amrod @amrod
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Amrod @amrod
Hi hi, I'm down to join the discord for FF14
Discord/ff14 and more

CocoTenshi @cocotenshi
Discord/ff14 and more
CocoTenshi @cocotenshi
I run a gamer server on discord. Must be 18+ to join. If you stream on twitch let me know I'll add it to the twitch channel. Whole point of the gamer server is to support one another along with making new friends.
If your interested just message me I'll send it on message don't need random joinning that why I won't add it in public. I do stream too love to have new viewers/new friends.