Kite Atomsku @kiteatomsku
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Kite Atomsku @kiteatomsku
Hey there,whats up? I see you're an invader zim fan eh? Gir Rocks haha I recently went through a bad relationship as well so I might know how you feel on that subject heheh do you cosplay? ^__^

ShogTheEmo @shogtheemo
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ShogTheEmo @shogtheemo
~Welcome to the site, if need to know anything just ask ^.^ I love RPG's, I just got out of a two year relationship, so I kind of know how you feel. How was you're day today?

ShogTheEmo @shogtheemo
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ShogTheEmo @shogtheemo
~Welcome to the site, if need to know anything just ask ^.^ I love RPG's <3 I just got out of a two year relationship, so I kind of know how you feel. How was you're day today? :3

☆Gx-Kai☆ @emo_tsuna
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☆Gx-Kai☆ @emo_tsuna
Hey how are you enjoying the site, which is your favorite Final Fantasy game?

Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
Sent you friend request. which is your favourite FF game? ^^

uglyduckly @uglyduckly
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uglyduckly @uglyduckly
Hi I see your new too this too how long have you liked anime?
P.S pretty cool anime/manga

ChibiXHeartXBreaker @chibixheartxbreaker
ChibiXHeartXBreaker @chibixheartxbreaker
Yes! I like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts. I also read the manga for the anime I watch.

Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
welcome to the maiotaku site. How are you? Are you a fan of manga and video games as well? :3
Aug 29-31
Oct 30-Nov 1
Jan 8-11
Jan 8-10