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chaos_network @chaos_network
chaos_network @chaos_network
Been hella long since I been on here. Anyone use this site? Lol

chaos_network @chaos_network
chaos_network @chaos_network
Just finished Haganai the first season. It's a funny show.

chaos_network @chaos_network
chaos_network @chaos_network
Watching Boku wa Tomdachi ga Sukunai. A pretty funny show
Anime Central

chaos_network @chaos_network
Anime Central
chaos_network @chaos_network
Anime Central Third Biggest Anime convention in America is about to reopen their doors for another weekend of Otaku fun in 10 days. Anime Central in Rosemont (Very near Chicago), IL is almost here. Who going? I live in Chicago so naturally I will be attending :)
Anime Central

chaos_network @chaos_network
Anime Central
chaos_network @chaos_network
Third Biggest Anime convention in America is about to reopen their doors for another weekend of Otaku fun in 10 days. Anime Central in Rosemont (Very near Chicago), IL is almost here. Who going? I live in Chicago so naturally I will be attending :)
Jul 4-6
Jul 3-5
May 20-22
Panelist. Jul 8-10