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Uru @uru
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Uru @uru
lmao had fun talking with u on skype xD oh also i had another thought but ill probably tell you about it tomarrow XD

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
yeah that's the sad part. I'm forever a 13 year old.... lol.

Uru @uru
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Uru @uru
but then gay hubbys man will get mad at me and they were dating first so im just some woman on the side to gay hubby lmao(god me and my friends are weird XD)and it does but i mean least my teacher is nice and i dont have 6 teachers i mean im a good A student but i got senioritis XD lol and my teachers werent helping me much when i asked so i started failing and mom put me in homeschooling and i get As again YAY happy ending XD lmao sorry telling u my life story XDD
Last good anime you've seen and enjoyed watching?

Delete me @caidryn
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Last good anime you've seen and enjoyed watching?
Delete me @caidryn
Agreed with Attic, Gosick was a very enjoyable series. ^^
Your First....Anime, of course!

Delete me @caidryn
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Your First....Anime, of course!
Delete me @caidryn
Cowboy Bebop, something I'm grateful for to this day. :3