buggo @buggo
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meisterman1985 @meisterman1985 Maybe it's because math teachers are smart enough to be possibly neurodivergents who know about the dangers of food allergies, bacteria and possibly have very strong immune systems. They also have difficulties socializing, but very good at teaching. English teachers might be more social and not afraid of being open to people.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 I feel like math teachers are too anal about things and english teachers be freaky hippie style
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo
buggo @buggo