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Boisterous_Bunny @boisterousbunny
Boisterous_Bunny @boisterousbunny
Wow it's been awhile. I've been on a hiatus so my apologies O_O ~ I'm doing well though everyone <3 ^_^

The misplaced youth @charmaxus
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The misplaced youth @charmaxus
Hey hey!
Hope you're doing well ^-^

Voli @voli
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Voli @voli
oi oi ^^ thanks for the lovely add... Hajimemashite ... hope we get along well ^^
Prison School

Boisterous_Bunny @boisterousbunny
Prison School
Boisterous_Bunny @boisterousbunny
So I'm siding with the boys cause they obviously have it rough. Who's your favorite character?
The president would have to be mine, though Hana is a close 2nd :p
Hot guys contest: Levi VS Sebastian

Boisterous_Bunny @boisterousbunny
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Hot guys contest: Levi VS Sebastian
Boisterous_Bunny @boisterousbunny
If we were debating Claude vs. Levi I would have gone with Claude <3 but in this case I must say Levi :(