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30 year old Male
Last online almost 9 years ago
I agree. If Darwin adapts to survive, shouldn't he have, erm, survived? Eating cockroaches is for the desperate anyway, haha. I have found that cockroaches are very friendly, though, almost like pets, if you don't freak out at them.
It wasn't a bad movie, in my opinion. Like most of them, it was mindless comic book fun. And I am NOT dirty. I study Humans, I don't provoke them. XP I'm simply honest about what I do and do not like, within the realm of social etiquette. When I meet a cockroach, I take a seat and observe it, talk to it, get to know it. That is, unless I have someone screaming at me to get rid of it. Then I either kill it quickly or catch it in a paper cup and carry it outdoors where it belongs. Technically, cockroaches are cleanest, but they still carry bacteria that's not meant for the Human body, so it's not a good idea to let them touch you.
LOL Hey, don't talk dirty. XP I am simply aware of my physical appearance and feel confident about what I see in the mirror. There are certain interests of mine that tend to cause amusing reactions when spoken in public. How's this? I think cockroaches are freaking adorable. I love them. Forget butterflies; cockroaches are the true beauties of the insect world. Oh, and no worries. I was watching X-Men: First Class.
Only on myself. Men's butts should be well-toned and shapely. Big butts on male figures is typically a good sign that they eat too much pizza and don't work out enough. And I just posted that on a public feed. Not sure whether I should feel like an idiot or just take it in stride. XD Oh well. POSTED!
ROFL XD Hooray for random music video on the website feed! *seriously cracking up, I'm not just typing that*
LOL! XD I think I would die with laughter if some wannabe-gangster decided to go underwear-less. And then I'd be blinded by the horrific sight of his naked ass crack waddling across campus.
MINE. AND MY SISTERS'. You jealous, bro? XP And the wannabe-gangsters' underwears at my school. Not a pleasant site. Half of them just sit on their butts all day and play Grand Theft Auto and blast abusive rap music and then they're like, "Yeah, we gangsta an' shit!"
((O . O)) Ask me no questions! XD
And underwears~!!!
LOL XD "I can't date you, you're a pervert!" *sees Galgun* "MARRY ME YOU RESPECTABLE HUNK OF A MAN"
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