Deleted User @aleix
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Deleted User @aleix
Pfff like imma get beaten by those nerds
u could pass by to say hi bh smh

banana milk @iloveminecraft123
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banana milk @iloveminecraft123
still the best yuri dealer on this site, change my mind !!!

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit

Within walking distance of where I have been staying...

BlackHeart @blackheart323 That looks beautifull. Mind me asking where are u staying?

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit I'm not sure if you know this, but I finally got a new job in the paralegal field and I'll also finally be moving to New Hampshire like I dreamed. And one of New Hampshire's nicest places nonetheless. My friend and I secured an apartment, but we won't be moving in until May 1st. Until then, I'm staying close by in York, Maine right on the beach. I'll be willing to tell you all about it and share pics one of these days if you're interested, though we'll have to find the time being I work a regular 9-5 Mon-Fri now.

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Im happy that ur dreams are coming true ^^ U deserve it. U that's cool gj! U like ur new job? ^^ We could ye... i usually work every day regular from 6 am to 3 pm Mon-Fri and during week depends if i work in the morning or in the afternoon ^^ hope to hear from u soon

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit Excellent... but you'll have to re-add me on Discord first =/

BlackHeart @blackheart323 sure

Amir @amir_bahram
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Amir @amir_bahram
I can't believe what I'm seeing. I'm crying tears of joy.
you changed your pfp!

BlackHeart @blackheart323 xD thats second time now xD dont make big deal out of it XD

Amir @amir_bahram I've known your for almost a year and I've only seen you change it twice.

Amir @amir_bahram It's a big deal for me okay XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323 xD should i get cake?

Amir @amir_bahram Yus. Chocolate. And nuts inside. Not a lot of cream.

BlackHeart @blackheart323 i think we have banana and nutella one in fridge wanna?

Amir @amir_bahram Oh hells yeah

Amir @amir_bahram I bought these tiny chocolate cakes for myself and they're so bad. It's like they didn't add any baking powder. Feels like eating dough. Bleh

BlackHeart @blackheart323 xD ew... from normal shop? those are usally too sugary or just werid over all

BlackHeart @blackheart323
BlackHeart @blackheart323

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit

There was a lot of bikes and scooters in Key West, took a bunch of pictures of them and thought of you...

BlackHeart @blackheart323 uu i see GROM other i dont reallly recognize rip my knowledge xD not fan of scooters tho. What were u doing in key west?

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit Just visiting the place, my sister and I wanted to take a vacation to Florida this winter, so we did. My aunt and uncle were staying nearby at Key Colony Beach and we decided to check the place out, being it's the southernmost point in the continental US.

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Oh I see I hope u have a good time over there tho ^^ even tho the situation is the way it is

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit Thanks we did enjoy ourselves. I'd would go back for sure...

ᎶᏗᏁᎶᏕᏖᏗ ᏰᏗᏰᎩ @candystarmagic
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ᎶᏗᏁᎶᏕᏖᏗ ᏰᏗᏰᎩ @candystarmagic
This account has been suspended.

Amir @amir_bahram
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Amir @amir_bahram

BlackHeart @blackheart323 ^^ haha hei buddy i was actually really busy with school and other rl stuff but now that i have break i came back. How are you doing?

BlackHeart @blackheart323

Amir @amir_bahram I'm good I'm good I'm managing. I became the President while you were gone. XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323 President of? XD congrats on it tho

Amir @amir_bahram President of? PRESIDENT OF MAIOTAKU

BlackHeart @blackheart323 XD ohhh really xd so new and so popular

Amir @amir_bahram Had to kill ghost to get this title. Now he's a real ghost.

KuroK @kurok
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KuroK @kurok

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Ty buddy ^^

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit You're welcome, I miss conversing with you...