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Shadox @baeten4
Shadox @baeten4
It's been a long time since I've been on here my computer died so I'm having anime withdrawls. I've probably watched 100 animes since I updated this at all.

Shadox @baeten4
Shadox @baeten4
Off work and bored time for some anime. Would anyone like to chat with me.

Shadox @baeten4
Shadox @baeten4
Off to work then an accel world kind of day
Why are you single?

Shadox @baeten4
commented on
Why are you single?
Shadox @baeten4
I know for me it's my personality. I do not have to communicate with someone on a daily basis because I grew up alone. I am not a family guy I have never minded my girlfriends being about their families but me personally I don't have that closeness.
Most people don't like being with a person who is logical. When they panic I stay calm and calculate all possibilities before moving forward.
My realism and intelligence can be somewhat off putting. I'm more like an Evil L.
But at the same time my romantic side knows no bounds. Women get intimidated by how I talk.
Only because I talk threw my soul and people don't do that anymore.
I also tend to be a bit shallow I won't date someone who doesn't look good next to me and who cannot challenge me.
All and all I have plenty of reasons on why I'm single and until I find my real world Rias Gremory I'll probably stay single